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Anthelmintic drugs definition of treatment: the use medications prescribed by a chiropractor that treat specific neurological problems or diseases. The term "chiropractic treatment" refers to the combination of treatment methods used in the health care system by practitioners who specialize in the correction of musculo-skeletal conditions, a group that includes both practitioners, as well physicians, dentists, podiatrists, acupuncturists, Can i buy xanax in australia massage practitioners and other health care professionals. A chiropractor may be referred to as a neurologist, an chiropractic physician, chiropractor, or by some other descriptive name. [12] The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services provides information on "natural and unconventional therapies", which includes the Buy modafinil uk cheap use of chiropractic services [13]. [14] In the past, use of chiropractors within various health care sectors has been characterized with different health outcomes and patient outcomes. As a rule these adverse health outcomes or patient that may appear include: Chronic or severe headaches Chronic low back pain Low back pain/sore neck Joint/muscle pain Cognitive impairment Muscle disorders/tendonitis Diabetes Cancer Carpal tunnel syndrome Osteoarthritis Alzheimer's disease COPD Diabetic foot syndrome Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) Hypertension Stroke Paediatric conditions/kidney problems Anxiety & PTSD Stress & OCD/MPD/OCD Chiropractic and Acupuncture A survey of chiropractic and massage therapy practitioners in China found that the chiropractic techniques and practices used were largely based on Chinese Traditional Arts (CTAs). The authors concluded that these practices involved acupuncture, moxibustion, manipulation, and physical therapy. [15] A survey of chiropractors, physicians, acupuncturists, health care workers and other professionals found that chiropractic provided a broad range of effective treatments and procedures. However, patients were less satisfied with chiropractic care than physicians when pain was at the top of list needs. [16] A prospective study of patients with low back pain, comparing chiropractors with physical therapy (CPT) found that chiropractic and CPT had equal efficacy. However, patients preferred chiropractic for acute/frequent upper and lower back pain were less likely to require back surgery. [17] The U.S. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, National Center for Health Care Quality, evaluated the effectiveness of a variety therapies in modafinil online netherlands low back pain, using a randomized trial design. The study found that a combination of spinal manipulation (CM/SM) and manual therapy (MT) was most effective. When the results of other therapies that included acupuncture, physical therapies, and exercise were considered, CM/SM was found to be the best nonconventional treatment Buy cheap generic ativan for low back pain. [18] A 2009 systematic review found that spinal manipulation was highly effective for musculoskeletal pain; the only intervention that was significantly more effective than manipulation was physical therapy. [19] The Cochrane Collaboration, which evaluates treatments for chronic health conditions, reviewed the use of treatment methods for acute conditions, and also conducted trials involving acute conditions such as cancer. The review concluded that there is a lack of clinical effectiveness evidence to support spinal manipulation in treating any health condition. [20] A 2010 review of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) for spine and/or neck pain found that spinal manipulation was no more than three times less effective no treatment (in terms of reduced pain relief at end point, overall effect measure). [21] An Australian study involving patients with osteoarthritis of the knee was conducted. RCTs found no significant differences between the intervention group and control in terms of pain, function, quality life and general health. [22] A 2008 systematic review found that spinal manipulative therapy is not effective and in fact may be harmful to some people, depending on the condition involved. review authors also found no clear evidence that the use of various spinal manipulative therapy techniques are useful in preventing or curing most diseases. [23] An Australian observational study found that chiropractors have a higher prevalence of musculoskeletal conditions and a higher risk of fractures. [24] Neurologic Conditions Spinal Manipulation as Treatment for Chronic Pain A number of studies show benefit in terms of reducing chronic pain [17]. As with neck or headache, spinal manipulation for chronic and persistent pain has been found to be as effective or more than placebo in the short and long-term [25–28].

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